Quick! Put that Halloween candy down, scrub the clown
make-up off your face, and grab a pen! It’s the eve of nanowrimo, and we’re one
hour out from the stroke of midnight. That means in one hour you can join
thousands of people across the world in a mad dash race to finally write the
novel that’s been churning in your head.
I don’t know about you, but I’m geeked. Geeked enough to
wait up until midnight and type my very first sentence. Geeked enough to have
my folder ready with my title page, and my backup system hooked up to my
computer. Geeked enough to sit and wait for the magic hour to come. My husband
told me to just write already, but that would take all the fun, all the
anticipation of waiting for November out of it, so I’m waiting with my fingers
ready. When midnight hits, the magic will begin!
If you want to join in on all the craziness of attempting to
write a novel in a month you can visit the nano website- http://nanowrimo.org/
It’s a blast, there are fun prizes to be won, and there is a
wonderful community of hilarious writers to meet! More information to come
within the next few days. If you've ever thought about writing a novel this is
the perfect time to get started!